"Niech nie będzie między wami żadnego mężczyzny ani kobiety, ani rodu, ani pokolenia, którego by serce odwróciło się od Pana, Boga waszego... " - Księga Powtórzonego Prawa 29:17
Jest wielu wrogów, którzy mogą zniszczyć nasze życie rodzinne, jeśli im na to pozwolimy. Oto kilka z nich:
Bycie zbyt zajętym. Żyjemy w świecie ciągle zajętych ludzi, gdzie pracoholizm staje się coraz bardziej normą….
Everyone is over-committed, mostly through workaholism and activity-itus. This is true for all ages with our over-organized children’s activities.
Lack of spiritual and moral leadership by the father. Approximately 34% of all births in the U.S. are to single moms. Even in some families that have a dad, he’s often absent or practically non-existent.
Negative influence of media and technology. Kids spend more time with the TV than they do with their parents, and its influence can be overwhelmingly negative. It’s a substitute for family communication. Internet pornography is devastating marriages and perverting how some men view women.
Parents, a vibrant relationship with God through Jesus Christ is the best way to battle the many enemies within the home.